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[Album] Aimyon – Hitomi e Ochiru yo

あいみょん – 瞳へ落ちるよレコード // Aimyon – Hitomi e Ochiru yo 

「初めてアルバムを作るみたいな気持ちで、遊びながら楽しんで作りました」と、あいみょんはApple Musicに語る。

前作『おいしいパスタがあると聞いて』から2年、J-Popシーンの最前線を走るあいみょんが発表した4作目のフルアルバム『瞳に落ちるよレコード』。「とにかく今一番聴いてほしい楽曲を詰め込んだアルバム」と語るあいみょんは、今回も自然体で音楽を楽しみ、13曲の印象的な歌を生んだ。彼女は言う。「岡山に行って曲を録ったりしたんですよ。お世話になってるエンジニアさんがいつも岡山から東京に来てくださっているので、今回は逆に私たちが岡山に行っちゃう? みたいな感じで、2曲レコーディングしてきました。まるで学生みたいというか、何でもありな感じで楽しくてウキウキしてました」













I felt like I was making an album for the first time, playing around and having fun while making it,” Aimyon tells Apple Music.

Two years after her last album, “I heard there was delicious pasta,” Aimyon, who is at the forefront of the J-pop scene, released her fourth full-length album, “Hitomi ni Ochiruyo Record”. Aimyon, who says, “This album is filled with the songs I want you to hear the most right now,” enjoys music in a natural way and has produced 13 impressive songs this time. She says, “I went to Okayama to record the songs. I went to Okayama to record the songs. The engineer who has been helping us always comes to Tokyo from Okayama, so this time it was like, “We're going to Okayama, too,” she says. It was like we were students. It was like we were students, and we had fun and were thrilled to be able to do whatever we wanted.

The way they write songs has become even freer and bolder. In songwriting, “The beginning of a song is especially important. In the first line of a lyric, I may subconsciously choose words that have a strong impact,” he says. To achieve this, he has developed a unique method. I can't think of a way to start a song with impact, so I made a rule in my mind that I must say something when I hear a guitar chord. When the guitar goes “bang,” I say “anpan” or “shokuban” or whatever, and then I make up a song using that word. That's the way I've been making music lately.

The unique title “Hitomi ni Ochiruyo Record” was also born from an inspiration from Aimyon. Aimyo's idea for the unique title, “Pupils Fall Into Records,” also came from an idea she had. I thought it would be fun to drop a record in your eyes and have it resonate inside your body, just like putting contacts in your eyes,” she says with excited eyes. With excited eyes, Aimyon explains some of the songs below.

First Love is Crying

I love balconies, and it's strange to say that it just came about... (laughs), but this song was created while I was looking out over the balcony. I often create songs from my life, so I think that many of my songs are unintentionally closely connected to my life. (Even when I was restricted from going out (due to the Corona Disaster), I was able to continue writing songs as usual, which made me realize that I am the type of person who writes songs based on what I get from my life rather than what I get from outside.

I'm getting stronger, Blue.

I usually start writing lyrics on a spur of the moment when I have nothing else in mind, but this song was written from a bird's eye view of a woman who came to mind. When the phrase “jacked up heart” came up in the middle of the song, I thought of putting in a lot of strange words, such as “underground,” “meeting,” and “meeting,” which are words that are not used in everyday life. I tried to use words that I don't usually use in my daily life, such as “underground” and “meeting. This kind of side-splitting music doesn't come out of me very often, so it's a very valuable song for me.


I wrote this song based on the experience of leaving things at a delivery box with a person I liked using the code “3636”, plus my imagination. It may be the song that contains the most of my life smells in this album. Of course, I love all the songs on this album, but I just want everyone to listen to this song. I think you will enjoy the lyrics as well.

Into the Realm of the Mysterious

Since the lyrics are about youthful indiscretion, I thought I would try to play it a bit clunky and silly. So I asked Yohei Makabe, who is a very good guitarist, to please play the guitar like a clod. I didn't even try to match the sound of the chorus of my hammoly. I wanted the song to be one that, when I listen to it a few years from now, I will think, “Oh, that was a youthful indiscretion, I played it too much.


I wrote this interview with the image of a joint interview. There is a lot of irony in the scanty applause. I feel that it is very meaningful to put “Interview” and “Until I Know Love” side by side at the end of this album. I feel that the last two songs are the only ones on this album that have a slightly different aspect to them.


  1. 双葉
  2. スーパーガール
  3. 姿
  4. 初恋が泣いている
  5. 君のこゝろ
  6. 3636
  7. 強くなっちゃったんだ、ブルー
  8. 桜が降る夜は
  9. ペルソナの記憶
  10. ハート
  11. 神秘の領域へ
  12. インタビュー
  13. 愛を知るまでは

Password: Comusk Japan

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